
Instigator used to be into indie and rock music such as Oasis and Led Zeplin – he used to play the guitar, and played it for about 6/7 years but lost interest.

He started to spin the techno vinyl back in 2004 and was well into the Adam Bayer, Ben Sims, Mark EG etc, and soon enough in 2005 started to discover the hard side of techno.

He started to play tracks of Boris-S, Sven Wittekind, Matt M, Maddox, Greg Notill, and all the banging stuff he could get his hands on.

Then the tunes coming out got better and better, harder and harder, and then he discovered even more banging producers such as Svetec, Albert kraner, Lexis, Alex TB, Buchecha etc

He realized that he wanted to produce the hardtechno/schranz and quickly began to do so in 2006, and now has lots of releases on a lot of different labels.

He is a big part of the very sucsessfull uk run schranz label Kaos Extreme bring out the power of the industry and is now a part of the world famous Trivial Bookings.

“I have played at some great parties in UK and Europe such as Critical Damage (Bulgaria), Histeria (Spain), Darkness (Slovakia), Liberty White (Belgium), Svetec And Friends (Hungary), and many more to follow. Here are a few of the labels I have released on – KAOS EXTREME, GNot (France Greg Notill), Digmay, Young Blood, Tlgk Rec Hard As Hell, and many more.